Welcome to the first in our new strand of blog posts, One Minute Monday. The aim of these short posts is to highlight a single statistic or fact on the labour market, skills, or employment that you can take in in sixty seconds or less. Think of it like our shot of espresso to a regular blog's americano (or an evidence report's giant filter pot ...). The clock's ticking - so, on with the facts.
Work experience is vital. We’re sometimes asked why we put so much emphasis on it in our work on young people and education leavers. The answer is in the chart below. In 2014 we asked over 18,000 employers what characteristics they placed emphasis on when they recruited new members of staff. The top answer was “relevant work experience”, seen as significant by 43 per cent of employers and very significant by 23 per cent.

Source: Employer Perspectives Survey 2014.
For more on work experience and youth employment, see our publications:
And other blog posts:
Find the rest of our One Minute Monday posts and let us know what you think on Twitter using #oneminutemonday or in the comments below.
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