Employer ownership
At this time of year, hospitality businesses are at full stretch, hosting holiday makers enjoying the British summer and making sure we are all having memorable holidays. But like other sectors, their trade is subject to seasonal peaks and troughs. …
How can we best support small businesses in the UK to grow and prosper? This is a question we’ve asked again and again at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). It was the driving force behind our Management …
Having worked in the legal profession in both the private and public sector for over 30 years, starting as a solicitor, then partner, manager and now a director, I truly understand the necessity of strong management and leadership in any …
...employees believe in our values and trust in our processes; ensuring they channel our values in everything they do. We see the importance of vision and leadership, and the effective...
Have you ever considered how much of your business's work is conducted in your supply chain? Is it 50%? 60%? Here at BAE Systems, it’s over 70%. The supply chain can make up 61% of total employment or over half …
...into better products and services. This brings competitive advantage and allows businesses to grow and move up the value chain, creating more and better jobs and progression opportunities. Globalisation, technology...
Dear business owner/manager, I have a proposition for you. Why don’t you take some of your best managers, send them to another company in your supply chain and use their time to train up other businesses’ employees. That sounds fool-proof, …
The ability to compete in a global market is vital to the longevity of UK industry. Competitiveness stems from a business’s ability to understand the market and what works, this insight then allows us to grow in a sustainable manner. …
My business is brewing. At Brains Brewery we recognise that innovation is essential for long term success. We operate a micro-brewery in which our brewers have the freedom to be bold and imaginative. The craft beers they produce are then …
Sheila Cullinan answers the phone friendly and cheerful, willing to contribute her experiences of a skills initiative. The Employer Ownership of Skills pilot has given Twenty Twenty, the charity where she works, the ability to take on two new Apprentices. …
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