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The captains' view: how to develop world-class leaders and managers post-recession

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Listening to Business - Captains of Industry illustration

...lacking the management and leadership skills needed to work across organisational boundaries. Neglecting management and leadership skills, say the Captains interviewed, affects the company’s ability to attract and retain the...

UKCES Masterclass: Does education do enough to make young people vote?

UKCES Masterclass: Does education do enough to make young people vote?

In our latest guest blog, Dr Jan Germen Janmaat, reader in Comparative Social Science at University College London Institute of Education, discusses the key points from his latest UKCES Masterclass on the influence of educational pathways on active citizenship. You can …

Business needs to open their doors to inspire young people about STEM careers

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School children listening to a talk hosted by Your Life

Today’s UKCES report showing that 43% of vacancies in STEM roles are hard to fill due to a shortage of applicants with the required skills will be met with concern across industry and government. The value of careers in the …