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How retail and hospitality employers are facing the National Living Wage

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I recently had the opportunity to chair a panel session at the ‘Better jobs better business’ conference in Leeds with employers and key players that UKCES is working with to explore ways of improving low paid jobs in the retail …

Going from ‘Good to Gold’ in management and leadership for supply chains

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Employer ownership, Further Education, Innovation, Investment stories

...employees believe in our values and trust in our processes; ensuring they channel our values in everything they do. We see the importance of vision and leadership, and the effective...

Strengthening the British economy's backbone

Can strong, local institutions support the development of small firms? Julie Kenny, UKCES Commissioner and CEO of Pyronix, explains the latest UK Futures Programme competition. A significant proportion of small firms in the UK have relatively underdeveloped entrepreneurship and leadership …