Vocational training
Want to expand your knowledge of employment and skills in the next 60 seconds? Read on... Apprenticeships provide a way of learning while earning, as well as helping apprentices into work by equipping them with the job specific skills employers’ …
...Leitch Review of Skills' league tables of qualification stocks. The aim was to move our position up the league tables. It was believed that this would automatically deliver productivity gains,...
The ability to compete in a global market is vital to the longevity of UK industry. Competitiveness stems from a business’s ability to understand the market and what works, this insight then allows us to grow in a sustainable manner. …
Simon Field is an expert on the comparative analysis of vocational education and training (VET) systems. He leads the OECD’s policy review of VET systems, and is lead author on the OECD’s VET policy publications. Ken Manson spoke with him about …
Ensuring Apprenticeships Remain Rigorous as Their Popularity Starts to Rise: Why Employer/Training Provider Dialogue Must Not Get Lost in Translation There is no doubt that vocational studies as a pathway to employment are becoming ever more prestigious. Recent news that …
Apprenticeships are changing. You can find out more about our work on apprenticeships at ukces.org.uk/apprenticeship-funding When I finished my GCSE and A-Level qualifications I was left feeling as if university...
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