How to get developers to use your open data

“If you build it, they will come!” A famous line from the film, Field of Dreams, about a man who builds a baseball diamond in his corn field for the Chicago Black Sox team from the past to play on. …
“If you build it, they will come!” A famous line from the film, Field of Dreams, about a man who builds a baseball diamond in his corn field for the Chicago Black Sox team from the past to play on. …
The UK economy is emerging from the longest and deepest recession since the 1930s. Business profits have been affected, and the public sector has experienced job losses and wage freezes. In difficult economic times, it is sometimes feared that employers …
Attracting new talent and investing in skills for the future is key to the continued success of our business, however the search for talent is one of the biggest challenges Nestlé and other UK food and drink manufacturers face today. …
Getting selected for the BBC Academy’s Expert Women Day was one of the most exciting things that has happened to me in a long time, and was totally unexpected. In September my mum sent me a link to an advert …
I first started being able to study Law when I began my A-levels at college in September of 2011. I had always had an interest in the law, mainly from watching TV programmes and hearing interesting cases on the news, …
Some of our very own apprentices explain how they got to where they are today, and what they want to do next: Charlotte started off as an apprentice at UKCES and is now a trainee officer with us!
Having reached the end of a six week Cogent summer placement with the BIA as a Policy and Public Affairs Intern, Hana Janebdar, an Imperial College Biology student, reflects on her experience. Spending this summer as part of a trade association representing …
3D printing, composite technologies, plastic electronics: sometimes it feels like science fiction is becoming science reality. And it’s not just the average person struggling to stay up –to-date with new technology. As new research from the UK Commission of Employment …
Here are some of the ways technology and skills are impacting on the automotive industry in the UK. They're based on new UKCES research. I've also written a blog about this story - Responding to new technologies: Collaborate to Compete? …
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