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...employees believe in our values and trust in our processes; ensuring they channel our values in everything they do. We see the importance of vision and leadership, and the effective...
Ask any of us where we learnt to do our current job and the chances are we will talk about work experience first and educational qualifications second. Education and training systems have (sometimes reluctantly) recognised the benefits of work-based learning …
Have you ever considered how much of your business's work is conducted in your supply chain? Is it 50%? 60%? Here at BAE Systems, it’s over 70%. The supply chain can make up 61% of total employment or over half …
Welcome to One Minute Monday – our look at a fact, statistic, or topic from the employment and skills world – gone in sixty seconds. There is tremendous speculation about the effects that artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will have …
In these quick weekly posts we offer you bite-sized findings from our world-leading labour market research. Our labour market forecasts show that while demand for high skilled jobs are due to increase over the next decade, middle skilled jobs are …
Welcome to our weekly One Minute Monday blog, where we outline a statistic or fact from our research in under 60 seconds! Our Employer Skills Survey 2015 found that the number of job vacancies that are hard to fill due …
Got a spare minute? Interested in employment and skills? Our One Minute Mondays are the blog posts for you! Many of the skills missing from UK employees are people and personal skills. When we asked employers who said their employees …
As part of our series of explainer blogs, we’re putting a spotlight on some of the specific terms and phrases from our UK Employer Skills Survey 2015. It’s a huge study, speaking to over 91,000 employers across the UK – …
Welcome to our One Minute Monday weekly blog where we outline a key finding from our research in under one minute! The majority (63%) of UK workers received training in 2015. The number of employers offering training and the amount …
As part of our series of explainer blogs, we’re putting a spotlight on some of the specific terms and phrases from our UK Employer Skills Survey 2015. It’s a huge study, speaking to over 91,000 employers across the UK – …
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