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Work Experience Wednesday - Sarah Marsh

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Over the last few weeks, we've been using the UKCES blog to highlight thoughts and reflections from some of the young people who worked with us this summer. As well as our longer-term Apprentices, graduate internship programmes and short-term work experience placements, …

Settle for a job or aim for a career? How LMI for All can help you

Is a ‘career’ a string of jobs which we retrospectively say were all part of a masterplan? I don’t think so, certainly not for most of us. For me, the key element which makes a string of jobs a career …

UKCES Masterclass: Does education do enough to make young people vote?

UKCES Masterclass: Does education do enough to make young people vote?

In our latest guest blog, Dr Jan Germen Janmaat, reader in Comparative Social Science at University College London Institute of Education, discusses the key points from his latest UKCES Masterclass on the influence of educational pathways on active citizenship. You can …

UKCES Masterclass: Where next for post 19 vocational education and training?

...Leitch Review of Skills' league tables of qualification stocks. The aim was to move our position up the league tables. It was believed that this would automatically deliver productivity gains,...